Prishda Energy

Prishda Energy

13/15 , Victoria 3023
Caroline Springs, VIC


Prishda Energy Pty Ltd is a brand committed to sustainability and environmental consciousness. As an energy company, we understand our critical role in shaping a greener future.

Our mission is to provide clean, renewable energy solutions that reduce carbon footprints and preserve the planet for future generations. Through innovative technologies and eco-friendly practices, we strive to lead the charge in transitioning to a more sustainable energy landscape.

By partnering with Prishda Energy, you aren’t just choosing a provider – you’re investing in the health of our shared environment. Explore our range of renewable energy options and discover how you can join us in creating a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

Together, we can power a greener, more resilient future. Follow us to stay updated on our latest initiatives and be a part of the movement towards a sustainable energy landscape.

Other Details

Contact Person Name:
Shitanshoo Bhardwaj
Business Established Date:
No of Employees:
Payment Methods:
Cards, Paypal

Products or Services

Our Products or Services:
Solar Panel


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Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 6:30pm , Sat - Sun : 9:30 - 5:30pm



Prishda Energy
Caroline Springs , Australia